Friday, April 27, 2012

Benefits of monitoring a sleeping pattern

Certainly, the inability to fall asleep is the result of various factors. Some of those factors are within people's control giving a glimmer of hope that they can be dealt with without resorting to the pharmacological help. However, some factors invoking sleeplessness are beyond our control and, in turn, we can only resort to taking sleeping pills as they can help us to monitor our disrupted sleeping pattern. Fortunately, monitoring our sleep by an aid of sleeping medicine has many benefits.

There are many advantages of monitoring your sleeping pattern. First of all, you are relieved of a burden of struggling to get to sleep. Tossing and turning in your bed for hours so to fall into a two hour slumber is an unpleasant episode from the past as you can get to sleep much more easily which corresponds to the quality of your life. If you sleep better, you are more energetic and refreshed which is reflects to your attitude and effectiveness in the workplace. Apart from that you are able to react appropriately to the situation you are in because a restful night makes your judgement sound. 

Moreover, monitoring your sleep puts an end to your treating it with various, ineffective methods that line the pockets of producers. People who cannot sleep are able to go to great lengths to deal with this problem and are bound to use everything that can be potentially helpful. Unfortunately, fluffy sleep-invoking pillows or costly meditation classes cannot solve their problem the way, for example, a melatonin supplement does. Besides being not that effective in many cases, those measures cannot work immediately after they are applied which cannot be said with reference to a soporific drug. A sleeping pill acts at once it is taken so that you can enjoy a restful night soon. The final benefit of monitoring a sleeping pattern is that it will affect your health favourably so that infections attacking your body have no chance of developing.

Summing up, monitoring your sleeping pattern is a good idea if sleep-invoking factors cannot be within your control. Taking a melatonin supplement can improve the quality of your life considerably so that you are more motivated to work better because you are not exhausted the moment you wake up. Such a magical pill can give you undisturbed sleep that is sent on you immediately after you take it. Hence, if you want to enjoy an unbroken night take a melatonin based sleeping pill and your wish will come true.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Allergies allergies

© Copyright David Spencer and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Hello, hello everyone! You're listening to Healthy Tunes Radio and I, Steve Walsh, will be your host. So, the spring has finally come, it'a getting warmer and warmer every day, and we can finally dress our favourite light clothes and spend free time outdoors. Great, huh? Apparently, not everyone thinks so. If you suffer from allergies, then the spring is probably the last season you are waiting for. While others enjoy the weather playing frisbee in a park you are constantly scratching your whole body and blowing your nose, or if your ailment is really severe you suffer from headaches and general tiredness. Well, no longer. Stay tuned to learn about easy ways to fight back allergy.

Your first line of defense is drinking water. Water will wash away at least some part of substances that elicit allergic reactions in your body. Keeping yourself well-hydrated will increase the effectiveness of this mechanism. You may have to visit a throne room a bit more often, but hey! that's a small price for relieving the symptoms of an allergy.

Apart from water, a mug of green tea can help you as well, or rather two to three of them daily to be more exact. It contains substances that inhibit allergic reactions which obviously makes them less severe and annoying to us. Some may not like its taste at the beginning, but you will get used to it sooner than you might think.

Eat things like apples, onions, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, nuts, and black, green, or white tea. They all contain quercetin, an another type of anti-oxidant that, among other things, increases lung's condition and reduces the effects of allergic reactions. Make sure that you include sources of this substance in your diet.

Nettles! Yes, Dear Listeners,  we all know that their stinging is healhy but we rarely know what exactly they do for us. Well, now you know that one of their effects on us is the reduction of allergiv reactions. If you don't like the idea of looking for nettles in a park and getting yourself stinged, you can always but them in form of a tee or a pill.

Finally, clean your nose regularly. Yes, even if it is clear and you don't have a runny nose. It is because pollen and other allergic substances are stopped inside your nose and once they pile up you begin to sneeze and suffer. That is why use salt-water to clean the your nose from the inside. You can either buy in in a drug store or make it by yourself, just mix water with sea salt. Check a pollen calendar and see when you should do that. During peak periods you may even need to do that as often as three times per day.

Alright folks, this is how your first line of defense against allergy should look like. Notice that these methods will only help you fight less mild effects of an allergy so if you are suffering from a severe one then you should refer to a medical help. Have a nice and joyful spring!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hi folks! You've just tuned in to the healthiest radio broadcast out there. Well, maybe not exactly a radio broadcast but hey, we all can pretend, right? Anyway, what you will find here, Dear Listener, are mainly tips on how to remain in a good condition, the things you can do every day to take care of your health. There will be some medical news and trivia. So, if these topics are interesting for you, or you simply want to know how to improve the condition of your body and mind, be sure to follow this blog. I will try to add a new content once every week or so, make sure you tune in weekly then. You wouldn't want to miss anything, right? Hear you soon!